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About The HAPPIest MD

The HAPPIest MD started as a lifestyle blog about a physician entrepreneur’s journey, through residency and beyond, to simultaneously succeed professionally and personally by living her HAPPIest life – full of Health, Authenticity, Passion, Purpose, and Innovation. It is expanding into a platform with content and tools to empower others to also live their HAPPIest lives. You are welcome to not only learn about The HAPPIest MD’s journey, but also take a journey toward your own unique version of the HAPPlest life and help build a community to support this joint pursuit of HAPPIness!

A Message From The Author

Hello there! Welcome to the The HAPPIest MD community! Thank you for your interest and support. I really do appreciate you, and I hope that you will find both the content I am providing and the community I am building meaningful. I look forward to hopefully learning more about you and your journey towards your HAPPIest life! In the meantime, here’s a bit about me and why I do what I do.

In addition to being the author of this blog, I am a newly licensed medical doctor, aspiring social entrepreneur, and just an ordinary person who demands the extraordinary out of life. By the grace of God, I am a first-generation college graduate, Ivy League medical school graduate, and now Obstetrics and Gynecology resident! Getting to this point has been SUCH a long road and this quick summary doesn’t even begin to do my journey thus far justice, but of course, you’ll hear much more about it all through the blog. Ultimately, I credit my commitments to lifelong learning and self-development to inspiration from many sources, including life itself, and I hope to similarly inspire others.

Let’s Make A Pact To Live Our HAPPIest Lives!

Being the aspiring (but miserably failing) minimalist that I am, I have consolidated my professional and personal goals into one simple but sometimes stubbornly elusive mission – to live my HAPPIest life. I created the H.A.P.P.I. acronym because I truly believe that cultivating Health, Authenticity, Passion, Purpose, and Innovation in their many forms are what it takes to accomplish the mission of leading the HAPPIest life. Of course, “the HAPPIest life” is uniquely defined by and means different things to different people, and such definitions and meanings may change over time. I am actively on a journey toward my HAPPIest life. In doing so, I am determined to openly share what that currently means to me and how it may evolve over time as well as to genuinely support your journey towards your own unique version of the HAPPIest life. Let’s make a pact to be our HAPPIest selves and live our HAPPIest lives!

With Love and HAPPIness,


Take good care of yourself and those around you. Blog topics to include: Self-Care, Women’s Health, Family Health, and Community Health.


Be your boldest, bravest, and most original self. Blog topics to include: Founder’s Reflections and Lessons Learned.


Do what you love and invest in people and things that inspire you. Blog topics to include: God & Spirit, Relationships & Marriage, Motherhood & Family, and Culture & Travel.


Be purposeful about building for your future. Blog topics to include: Purposeful Planning, Education & Career, Lifelong Learning, and Generational Wealth.


Take from all the tips, tools, and things you find meaningful and create the life you want. Blog topics to include: Tips, Tools, and Things.


  1. Yes, I am a doctor, but if I am not YOUR doctor, then I cannot properly examine you and provide my clinical judgment. The content provided is for educational or reflective purposes, does not constitute medical advice, and should not be a substitute for seeking appropriate health care. Please find a primary care provider (if you do not already have one) and always consult with them regarding your specific physical or mental health needs.
  2. We all want and deserve doctors who make us a priority and put forth their best efforts. Because I strive to do this for my patients, there may be lapses in communication related to this blog. Please bear with me and know that my excitement about and support for our shared journey remains strong as ever!